by trowerhayley | Jun 14, 2021 | Definitions, How to quit, Life
Are you questioning whether you have an alcohol problem? Have you googled the words “Am I an alcoholic?” Or “Am I drinking too much?” How can you even define whether or not you’ve got an alcohol problem? Perhaps the very reason that you’re questioning your...
by trowerhayley | Jun 7, 2021 | Confidence, REBT, Self-care
Want to quit drinking? Pay attention to your self-talk. If want to quit drinking, your self-confidence plays a role in your ability to do so. If you can learn to observe your self-esteem and self-confidence, you can increase your capacity to quit drinking. It’s...
by trowerhayley | May 22, 2021 | Confidence, Socialising
An inevitable part of quitting drinking means that you will have to learn how to decline a drink. It might be uncomfortable to be honest with your friends when you’re in the early stages of sobriety, so it might help to filter the truth a little. Try these out excuses...
by trowerhayley | Feb 3, 2021 | Self-care
What is self-care? Self-care results from small, consistent habits strung together that support physical, mental, and soulful wellness. Wellness is not just the absence of poor health, but the presence of positivity and fulfilment. If you’re glowing with wellness,...